Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Coumeenoole Beach, Dingle, Ireland

Famous as one of the locations in the film "Ryan's Daughter", Coumeenoole Beach is a small beach near Slea Head, located about 30 minutes away from Dingle town. It wasn't considered a short distance drive, so I was contemplating if we should intentionally make that one hour journey to & back from Dingle. I am glad we did. There were many scenic stops you could stop along the way as usual, and the drive though not as beautiful as Conor Pass, it was definitely a much more relaxing drive for the driver, hence allowing James to take in the scenery as he drove. 
The 30 minutes drive from Dingle Town is relaxing and beautiful.

The path from the carpark to the beach.
The beach is quiet and therapeutic.

The beach is a respite from the city life and the crowd. Unfortunately, the waves are too strong for any swimming, but a stroll along the beach is definitely therapeutic for the soul. I can imagine how romantic it would be to just sit by the beach or stroll along it and watch the sunset. Unfortunately, we had to drive to Kerry, so that was out of the question. Nevertheless, it was a very interesting beach to note the beautiful cliff and rocks formation. Even the waves caught my attention as they leave trails of beautiful foams behind.

We did a short climb up some rocks, and it was pretty fun. We didn't manage to climb up too high though as it was pretty steep.

Pretty "lagoon" formed when the waves were caught and left behind this sunken area.
In Ireland, the unpredictable weather is always the topic of the day. It could be raining one moment, and sunny (though rare) the next. The seagulls seems pretty unaffected by the changing circumstances even though the weather was soon turning stormy. They did not appear anxious, but they were gliding gracefully over the waters, and staying calm at the approaching storm.

"Be still, and know that I am God." Psalms 46:10

We drove past this statue shortly after driving out of the carpark. A reminder that we reign over every storms because of Christ.

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